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Assessing Dyslexia: Tying it All Together

  • Mapleshade Caddo Office Reimagined 4324 Mapleshade Lane Plano, TX, 75093 United States (map)

Changes in the law are requiring dyslexia therapists to contribute to full evaluations and the identification of dyslexia. Dyslexia therapists are now being charged with administering tests and contributing to the identification of dyslexia. R.E.A.D. Evaluation and Dyslexia Center is offering a multi-day training of norm-referenced assessments commonly used in identifying dyslexia. This session will equip dyslexia therapists in public schools, private schools, and private practices with an overview of the characteristics and underlying causes of dyslexia, additional considerations, and the use of data to drive recommendations and reporting.

* If not previously trained in any test battery, registration for Assessing Dyslexia and Tying It All Together is required with any test battery training.

* You may attend only this session without any test battery training.

* ALTA Pre-Approved for 3 CEs*

November 9

Test Battery Training - Gray Oral Reading Test - Fifth Edition (GORT-5)