Test BatterY Training

Dyslexia Assessments and Identification

Dyslexia Assessments and Identification

You have gathered multiple sources of data on a student who is having difficulty learning to read and spell and is exhibiting common risk factors associated with dyslexia. Now what? The Written Word Center for Dyslexia and Learning is hosting a multi-day training of norm-referenced assessments commonly used in screening, progress monitoring, and identifying dyslexia. This training will equip dyslexia therapists, reading specialists, and educators in public school, private school, and private practice with an overview of the characteristics and underlying causes of dyslexia, step-by-step test procedures for administering and scoring specific standardized, norm-referenced tests designed to measure literacy skills formally. It will also provide guidance on analyzing the data for informed decision-making and recommendations for appropriate interventions.

Assessing Dyslexia: Test Battery Training

The characteristics, underlying causes, and key assessment components of dyslexia

  • Step-by-step test procedures for administering and scoring B-Level standardized, norm-referenced tests designed to measure literacy skills formally in the following:

    • Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing - 2 (CTOPP-2)

    • Test of Written Spelling - 5 (TWS-5)

    • Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests - 3 (WRMT-III)

    • Gray Oral Reading Test - Fifth Edition (GORT-5)

  • Guidance on triangulating the data for decision-making, reporting, and recommending an appropriate intervention

    ** See below for more information

FEB. 21-23, 2025


The Written Word Center for Dyslexia and Learning
319 S. Naperville Road, Wheaton, IL 60187

Dyslexia Assessments and Identification

Dyslexia Assessments and Identification

Changes in the law are requiring dyslexia therapists to play a role in comprehensive evaluations and the identification of dyslexia. Therapists are expected to administer test batteries for which they have not received training. R.E.A.D. Evaluation and Dyslexia Center is offering a multi-day training of norm-referenced assessments commonly used in identifying dyslexia. This training will equip dyslexia therapists in public school, private school, and private practice with an overview of the characteristics and underlying causes of dyslexia and step-by-step test procedures for administering and scoring specific standardized, norm-referenced tests designed to measure literacy skills formally. Additionally, participants will receive guidance on analyzing the data for informed decision-making and recommendations for appropriate interventions.

Assessing Dyslexia: Test Battery Training

The characteristics, underlying causes, and key assessment components of dyslexia

  • Step-by-step test procedures for administering and scoring B-Level standardized, norm-referenced tests designed to measure literacy skills formally in the following:

    • Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing - 2 (CTOPP-2)

    • Test of Written Spelling - 5 (TWS-5)

    • Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests - 3 (WRMT-III)

    • Gray Oral Reading Test - Fifth Edition (GORT-5)

  • Guidance on triangulating the data for decision-making, reporting, and recommending an appropriate intervention

    ** See below for more information

Mar. 6-8, 2025

Apr. 29-May 1, 2025


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